that is the only thing that i can say now. FEBRUARY sucked so bad, i hate that month so much, and March also. I will refuse to believe that i have allergies! but every day for the past few weeks i have come to school sneezing and coughing and sniffling and getting up in class like 20 times just to go blow my nose!
The work that is given me is at a low level but its every night that i receive homework or have to work on an art project and they pile up if i become lazy to do them. Oh goodness, i have realized recently that i only have about 3 months until my fantastic, lovely, rewarding, exciting trip to Iran! i cannot help but grin at the thought of that! i want to burst out laughing! I wonder if people sitting next to me in an airport or in the plane will think that i want to kill everyone because of how unsettled i would look. Of course i would think that my happiness would be spoiled by the filthy-ness of my surroundings. GOD i hate airplanes, they smell like
marijuana and poop, and i always have a head ache after sitting in one for 16 HOURS.
What am i supposed to do in an airplane when traveling across the Atlantic ocean for longer than half a day?! i can't just be there...i wonder if running 3 miles a week and a challenging work out would help me with that before i would leave? it would make me alot hungry-er and you know those flight attendants...they will NOT give you second servings. I think it would be a good time to become anorexic because you would not have to eat anything..or you wouldn't want to at least. Well this time i plan to be very talkative to strangers. I mean i would agree that it is extremely awkward to sit next to someone for the first 10 hours with out speaking to each other, and then asking them to please get up so you can go use the toilet! It would be nice to make a friend on the way to your final destination. But it would also be awkward to say good bye to them only to see them again like 3 more times in the airport and possibly in the next flight.
I would recommend taking a HOT shower before and after traveling by plane.