Thursday, April 29, 2010

its been so long

hello to anyone who reads my blog

its been

quite a stressful time for me. and things are starting to calm down. During the time frame between today and the last time i posted an entry, i have lost many friends, detached my self from a certain group, and have found one new person who i care about dearly. i would say a potential close friend. finally. some hope for me. everything is so good when im with her, whether we are suffering or rejoicing. a new sister in my life. of course there are some things that she may not understand about me. but i love her anyway, and i'm anxious to become a closer friend to her. please wish me luck.

i have made three paintings while i've been gone. two of which are yet unfinished. one i will finish during the summer, and the other will be finished quite soon.

i hope more people come to read this blog. and if there are any, i hope they comment.

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